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Opinion: What is our ambition for Canterbury?
3 min read
Opinion: What is our ambition for Canterbury?

Opinion piece byBusiness CanterburyChief Executive Leeann Watson.Canterbury is punching above its weight. As we near the end of more than a decade of rebuild activity, the region is in...

Ask the Expert: Finding the right number of staff in challenging times
3 min read
Ask the Expert: Finding the right number of staff in challenging times
By Michael Prisk 12 Jul 2024

Business Canterbury HR/ER Consultant Michael Prisk shares his insights on how businesses can adapt in challenging times.In the current economic environment of rising costs, high interest...

Opinion: Rates rise still a burden for businesses despite revision
1 min read
Opinion: Rates rise still a burden for businesses despite revision

Leeann Watson is Chief Executive of Business CanterburyAfter an unprecedented number of submissions from stakeholders, including Business Canterbury, the Christchurch City Council’s...

Opinion: Less might mean more for the economy in this year’s Budget
2 min read
Opinion: Less might mean more for the economy in this year’s Budget

Leeann Watson is Chief Executive of Business CanterburyThe release of Budget 2024 has come at a time when businesses are feeling the toll of cost pressures and dwindling demand, caused by...

Opinion: Council needs to cut costs, not ambition for city
2 min read
Opinion: Council needs to cut costs, not ambition for city

Leeann Watson is Chief Executive of Business CanterburyThe Christchurch City Council plays an important role as an enabler of economic activity and growth in our city and region. With a...

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