The government is currently consulting on two options for the future of work-based learning, with one proposal including an additional contracted pastoral care arrangement. This consultation also outlines the establishment and roles of Industry Skill Boards (ISBs). As part of the BusinessNZ network, Business Canterbury encourages businesses to stay informed on these critical discussions shaping vocational education in New Zealand.
Education, whether it is primary, secondary, tertiary or vocational plays a hugely important role in the success of businesses ability to grow and be productive and innovative alongside the success of New Zealanders entering or growing in the workforce. There must be better recognition that at the end of the day – schooling and education in general has a core role of providing young people with strong foundations for work and navigating our constantly changing environment through lifelong learning.
Vocational education must keep employers at the core - while the focus on reform over successive Government's has been on the structure of 'the system', there must now be a shift in focus to outcomes of the system (i.e. delivering a job-ready workforce meeting the employers’ current and future needs) when making decisions.
Vocational education reform – for both apprenticeships and technical education – must be completed by the next general election so businesses have certainty and can start effectively engaging again.
This brings us to BusinessNZ Network's submission regarding the future options for work-based learning.
BusinessNZ Network’s Submission
BusinessNZ network strongly supports Option B, which would see work-based learning delivered in partnership with an educational provider without the additional contracted pastoral care layer. We believe this additional arrangement would add unnecessary complexity, as employers already provide significant pastoral care and bear much of the cost associated with work-based learning.
Key Recommendations
- Industry Skill Boards (ISBs) must be accountable and focused on lifting foundation and technical skills to drive productivity and economic growth.
- Existing levy provisions and industry training funding should remain unchanged.
- Work-based learning should be responsive, high-quality, and aligned with industry needs.
Industry Feedback
After consultation with major companies and industry bodies, 90% of BusinessNZ members preferred Option B over Option C. While BusinessNZ supports the government’s focus on vocational education, it notes the consultation lacks key data to fully evaluate risks and benefits.
Read the Full Submission
For more details, view the full submission here.
Additional Resources:
Business Canterbury will keep members updated as the consultation progresses.