Business Canterbury | Manufacturing & Global Trade Bulletin

Christchurch : The New Hub for a World-Leading Keratin Company

Written by The Business Canterbury Team | Jun 14, 2024 1:02:41 AM

Discover the what the move of a top keratin company to Christchurch will have on the industry.

Innovative Expansion into Christchurch

The world-leading keratin company Keraplast has made an innovative expansion by relocating its headquarters to Christchurch. This move signifies the company's commitment to growth and its recognition of the potential that Christchurch holds as a hub for the keratin industry. 

The decision to choose Christchurch as the new headquarters showcases the company's forward-thinking approach and its willingness to explore new opportunities. With its vibrant business environment and supportive ecosystem, Christchurch provides the perfect platform for the company to expand its horizons and stay at the forefront of the keratin industry.

Strategic Benefits of the Move

The relocation of the keratin company's headquarters to Christchurch brings with it several strategic benefits. Firstly, Christchurch is known for its strong infrastructure and connectivity, making it easier for the company to collaborate with partners, suppliers, and clients across the globe. This enhanced connectivity will facilitate smoother operations and faster distribution of the company's keratin products.

Secondly, Christchurch is home to a thriving business community and is known for its innovative spirit. By being a part of this dynamic ecosystem, the company can foster collaborations, partnerships, and knowledge-sharing opportunities that can drive its growth and keep it ahead of the competition. The company will also have access to the support and expertise of local organizations and institutions, which can further fuel its strategic development.

Lastly, the move to Christchurch aligns with the company's sustainability goals. Christchurch has a strong focus on sustainability and clean technologies, providing the company with opportunities to enhance its green credentials and contribute to a more eco-friendly industry. This strategic alignment will not only benefit the company's reputation but also attract environmentally-conscious clients and investors.

Future Growth and Global Presence

The relocation of the keratin company's headquarters sets the stage for future growth and a stronger global presence. With its strategic location and well-connected infrastructure, Christchurch provides a solid foundation for the company to expand its operations and reach new markets. The company can capitalize on the city's proximity to Asia-Pacific markets and leverage its global connections to establish a strong foothold in the region.

Furthermore, the move to Christchurch will enhance the company's reputation as a global player in the keratin industry. By establishing its headquarters in a city known for its innovation and sustainability, the company can position itself as a leader in the industry, attracting international clients, partners, and investors. This increased visibility and global presence will pave the way for future growth and expansion into new territories.


You can read more about their move and opening on this Stuff article: World-leading keratin company relocates to Christchurch.