Business Canterbury | Manufacturing & Global Trade Bulletin

Meet the team: Daniel Thomson – our Business and International Trade Advisor

Written by Kirsten Wick | Feb 25, 2024 9:36:00 PM

Many of you will know Daniel, our Business and International Trade Advisor. But what you might not know is his journey to business advisory – and why he has the experience and expertise to support you on all things business and global trade.

In Daniel’s own words…

My journey into the world of business was anything but ordinary. Picture this: a 25-year-old university grad, bright-eyed but utterly clueless about where to begin in business. It was a daunting adventure, filled with unknowns and what-ifs. I didn’t know it then, but what I needed was a mentor, someone who had navigated the waters and come out thriving on the other side. 

Starting a business is no small feat. It's a labyrinth of decisions, strategies, and risks. Believing one can master this solo is, frankly, a tad naïve. Success in business is a team sport, and I learned that the hard way. My initiation into the business world began in 2014, with nothing but a dream and a stubborn streak. Ignorance was my initial companion – I barely understood what tax was, let alone had an accountant or a formal business education. My qualifications? A smattering of business papers that barely scratched the surface of what was needed.

Not knowing didn't deter me. I took the plunge, designed a product, and embarked on a journey of manufacturing it offshore. I wrapped my creation in IP protection, launched a website, and built a vibrant social media presence, amassing thousands of followers. My product caught the eye of top sports teams globally, and with the help of YouTube influencers, sold on platforms like Amazon. Through shear perseverance my products found their way into prominent New Zealand retailers like Torpedo7 and Woolworths. The icing on the cake? A licensing deal that catapulted my product into retailers through Australasia.

This whirlwind experience was a decades long crash course in business – a journey from novice to knowledgeable. Now, at Business Canterbury, I'm here to illuminate the path for you. My mission is to spotlight your business's potential blind spots, unearth hidden opportunities, and offer shortcuts to sidestep the pitfalls I encountered. With access to my extensive network, you're not just gaining an advisor; you're unlocking a gateway to invaluable connections and insights.

Beyond mere advice, I'm here to mentor you on the intricacies of global trade, navigating the complexities of exporting, importing, and IP considerations. My role includes demystifying marketing strategies, linking you with supportive government agencies, and crafting a tailored plan equipped with the tools for success. At Business Canterbury, we have also curated partnerships with leading companies in the region, offering you a seat at the table with some of the most influential organisations across multiple sectors.

Let's not make your journey harder than it needs to be. Reach out to me at, and let's discuss how to propel your business to new heights.