News and Updates
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Be in the know with what's happening in Canterbury business, HR, Global Trade, Manufacturing or here at Business Canterbury as we champion your views, with our blogs here to keep you informed and up to date.
Canterbury Business News from
Bold Company
Bold Company is packed with news and podcasts that cast the spotlight on bold, resilient, innovative Canterbury businesses and their people.
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Our News
Visit our news blog for the latest news and updates from
Business Canterbury including Chief Executive updates, media releases, survey results and more.
HR Insights
HR Insights is here to keep our Members up to date with key information on Human Resources and Employer Relations including case law and employment relations news and recently published legal decisions.

Introducing The Business Canterbury
Manufacturing & Global Trade Bulletin
Packed full of industry information for our Canterbury Manufacturers, Importers and Exporters is our Manufacturing & Global Trade Bulletin (MGT). Here to keep you up to date with updates, news, events and legislation from our team of specialists.